The cult


The Cult of Trump?

II have studied cults for years and even viewed one from the inside for four years.  The comparison of Donald Trump to a cult leader has fascinated me, so I have been examining his speeches and actions through that lens. Donald Trump does say some things similar to cult leaders at times. I can expand on that if you wish. This blog points out some distinct differences. Please let me know if you have anything to add. Email is somewhere in the text.


  1. Mr. Trump listens to people. They miss him because he gives people a voice. He speaks out what is already deep in the hearts of the people. Not only does he listen to people’s hearts and speak for the people, but he acts on what he hears. He removes oppression. Cult leaders have their own agendas and insist their followers follow the cult leader’s agenda.


  1. Cult leaders try to entice people to be loyal to the cult leader. Only those who go along with everything the leader says and does are considered worthy.  Mr. Trump encourages different thoughts and free speech. His followers are varied and he feels enriched by the variety.


  1. In a cult, those who have other ideas are sent away. They are usually encouraged not even to contact their families that are still in the cult. Then the cult leader laments publicly to get sympathy, saying their best people left them, (as if they themselves did not send them away). Mr. Trump has never done that. He wants people who will do the right thing honestly. He encourages all to do what is right, and lets the dishonest and the cowards, the blackmailed and the bribed to expose themselves. He never weeps for sympathy, and he has been betrayed a LOT. He just makes necessary adjustments if possible and moves on. He is willing just to wait and pray. He wants just the truth to come out.


  1. Donald Trump makes sure that what happens is for the benefit of the people. He believes government should serve the people.  He worked hard to put money in people’s pockets so they could spend as they needed. He did not take a salary. Alternately, cult leaders demand much if not all their people’s money for the “cause” (meaning themselves and their own movement and ideas). 


  1. Cult leaders will throw their members, especially children, under the bus to save themselves. Mr. Trump protected his people with a wall, no wars, and energy independence, vetting of terrorists, keeping China off the grid, etc. All this Biden took away his first day leaving the people vulnerable. Why?


  1. Cult leaders make strict rules for their followers.  Followers listen only to their leader. They will not read anything other than what their leader tells them to read. They are not allowed to say anything against the leader. They have a set of beliefs that are sometimes quite bizarre but they must believe them. Mr. Trump is not that insecure. He never requires anything of his followers. He did much to deregulate or erase hurtful laws. He has supported freedom of expression for every religion.  (Religion is important: We need to be an honest, trustworthy, moral and responsible people in order to govern ourselves. People who are just out for themselves, who cheat and commit crimes to get ahead, that do not acknowledge our dependence on God, will cause society to crumble upon itself.)


  1. Cult leaders want their followers dependent on the cult leader. Mr. Trump wants people to govern themselves. He just wants to provide the climate for them to do so. He wants to get them off of the dole, but get help when they need it. Many of his followers do not want socialism nor communism. And that is the way they perceive the Democratic party is going.


  1. Cult leaders rely on emotions to keep their followers in place. Some provide insights that are half true. The true half resonates, and the lies are slipped in there. Listen to the news. How much is truth, and how much hits your emotions?  Feel what emotions come out of yourself as you listen. Are they positive? Positive or negative toward whom?  Mr. Trump uses emotions, but also speaks the truth whether popular or not popular. No matter how much narratives are pushed, he sticks with the truth. People know  what is true. It is so refreshing to them that someone is telling the truth. That attracts.  Being accountable to a higher power, people used to keep their word with only a handshake. Now there needs to be all kinds of contracts just because people tend not to care what God thinks. The truth matters. Being truthful matters. It is the only way we can govern ourselves.


  1. Instead of wanting a MAN to win, or a team, Trump supporters come from every party and are attracted to the policies of “America First” and “Law and Order” . In the Democratic Party, there are people who are old fashioned Democrats who joined at a time when Democrats were truthful and would not conceive of stealing an election. These people do not want Communism any more than Trump supporters. They often vote Democrat because they feel part of the team and want their team to win. They look for ideas to support the fact that they are more virtuous than the opposite team. They are clueless what is at stake and how the parties have changed.   Can Democrats feel the desperation of members of Congress in their party to protect themselves?  Did they hear Nancy Pelosi tell people to first make up a narrative, and then give it to the press to make it seem legitimate? Can they see through the prefabricated narratives published by the news arm of the Democrats? The Dems stick together, even if the narrative is false. This is more cultlike than the Trump supporters. If a Republican betrays “America First”, truth, or freedom for the people, they are TOAST.  It is an ideal Trump supporters are following, not a person, a label, nor a team.


  1. Mr. Trump seems to be boasting about his accomplishments. That boasting is well deserved. He has worked very hard every single day with hardly a break. He is reporting back to the people who hired him. He has done a great job of doing what he was elected to do. It is difficult to build so many good programs with all the consultation, preparation and implementation. It is easy to tear down what someone else has built up. Seems that only takes 3 days work!


Trump supporters appreciate all that Mr. Trump is doing and has done for them. People around the world appreciate his leadership.  That is why the crowds follow him. If the Dems put up a leader like this, crowds would follow him or her too. Donald Trump could well have been a Democrat. He is not that ultraconservative. He is just the voice of the people; the voice of truth.  I believe that if he ran as a Democrat, reasonable, responsible Democrats would have voted for him.


Mr. Trump is not a cult leader and his followers are not a cult. They just realize now what has been going on for years in our country. They see the corruption, the cowardliness, the government mafia, and the weak. They understand the threats and the blackmail that the leaders have had to participate in in order to keep their seats and be members of committees, and other honors.


So here is a general course of action:



America has been free because America has been good. We need to ensure that we are caring for our citizens and especially our children. We need to stick together both Republicans and Democrats, and all.


1.We need to keep citizens informed so they can make informed decisions. Declassify all. Teach true history. Since the TV news is not reliable, we need alternative news sources run by people with morals who do not give in to big donations that come with stipulations.


2. We need to encourage propriety, responsibility, generosity, honesty, and truth in all our dealings and teach it to our children. Push for parental opt-in for sex and gender education (only if parents sign that they want their children in those classes.) Let parents see the secret curriculum and offer the classes to the parents so they can talk to their children as they see fit in their spiritual framework. No more confusing agendas and porn given to our children.


3. Push for vouchers so that parents have a choice of schools. It is the parent's money funding the schools. Why should they not have the school they want?


4. Teach what inspires children to be better people. There is no use teaching ugliness to make children ashamed. Point out bad to make it a lesson about real men to promote goodness.


5. Realize that we all that a spirit that can touch God. Many of us have not developed in that area and our spirits are like stone. Develop your spirit by letting God shine in as you come before Him honestly with nothing to hide. Let Him take out the darkness and fill the empty spaces with His life. He will lift you up.


No more bad words and off color jokes. Let's keep this uplifting and inspiring. Promote keeping our hearts pure and joyful.  "Have nothing to do with evil."  Be a light. 


6. Recommend good colleges like Liberty College, Azuza, Biola, Stupenville, St. Thomas Aquinus in Ojai. Just make sure they have the major you want.  If you must go to a secular college, surround yourself with like minded people who can help you sort out what you hear from people who want to run you into the ground.


7. Make a list of government jobs and other positions of influence, and groom young people to fill them.


There is a list in The Naked Communist of all that has been tried in order to prepare us for slavery. We need to find that list, and see what we can to undo it.


Please email me additional ideas or corrections you may have.


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